Thursday, March 28, 2024

Mathematics of hope

Circle of care
Circle of bear
Mathematics of hope
When we gonna take that teaching?

Let’s struggle together
No pass/fail
Learnt as try
Another day eaten
Another hope
Closer to hand

Pehiw W2022

Trust the moment

Gotta trust the moment
Let go
The end of that
The start of this

Accountants gasp
Hard to double book
When time
Reverted to real

Remade as toys for tots
Not as a means of control

It is ok to weave
“I don’t know”
Into tomorrow
Think what joy
You might give home to?

Pehiw W2022

Thunder sunk in deep

Even as the anger
Took its turn
To run through feet
Into earth
Into all
I saw you live that TRUTH
You held a space
Even as I wander unmade

Who is this person?
The angers did not claim me
Our blood spoke quite clear
I unworthy
Carry your work
Bundle to bundle

We stretch wing
We forgot we had
Hold heart
Left for dry
Explore sounds
When there is
Air aplenty
Water the wild places

Culture told the wind

Communities share every star


Thunder sunk in deep.

Pehiw W2022

Ears alone

It is time to
Don our best
To ceremony

Leave time

The smallest
Have their place
Be they winged
Makers of lace
Or gatherers of pollen

You are our teachers
With lessons of untold
Two legged
Don’t fear silence

Can’t help us hear.

Pehiw 2022

Anyone Got a solution?

Got a solution
For ancestors
Who join Teams
And crash the calls?

For medicines
That flare so high
You singe your screen?

For all the new challenges
All the firsts?

We dream you forward
We plan for distant futures
As we live out firsts
By those who long traversed the rainbow trail

Pehiw 2022

Expertise and forgetting

So I could sit that day
Another Minister
Forced to face the people
The government tried to forget
My appetite
To adorn
To show
White skin aside
We are still here.

So by accident
(not really – creator made is so)
My first born beside me
So strong
To walk up to that stage
Hand in hand with Elder
You one – you carry all
You inherited the future
-for truth and reconciliation –

When it is time
Please tell their stories
The firsts
The harm
The hope
Tell them of those other days
That same hill
Adorned with ribbon skirts
Tell them to bear witness
To hear the Clan Grandmothers
To honour our lost

Above my head
In the very stones
Who oversaw those harms
“speak truth to power.”
Put down your suits
This work might get dirty
Might last deep into night –

Come in jeans and hoodies
Separate no more
Detoxing from the drugs
Of expertise and forgetting.

Pehiw Wandering 2022

Every year

Every year
Since you born
We come
To connect
To smile
To love.
You are my Pride
Exactly you
Even when it hurts
Awesomely brave
Doer of hard things
Backed by survive.

NanaBjörn Wandering 2023

Next feast will be different

Eat the young
They know truths
Ancient parasites

Afraid of the consequences
If they ever rest
For the young
Left starving
Will loose chains
Sharpen wits
An opium
You put in hands
Never minding
Border illumination
Half rabbit
Half lizard
Gonna play asssssssss flute
While Anubis
Risk based algorithm
Shows hidden depravities
Still not human bodies
Too brown
Too wrong
To angry!
Heart to heart
To fire!
Next feast will be different.

NB Oct 23