Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Dream catcher and dashboard temple

Dream catcher
Dashboard temple
Golden fish
(Cause ottawa)
Order latte
Desk killer?
Embodied dreamer?
Closet dweller?
Excuse giver?

I stood witness
To a reading of our crimes
Too tired
Sick everything
Everyone sees the threads
Shall we all pull?
Show the emperor's shame

Worked here then too!
No. They moved us.
Each move a corrosion
Fewer boxes followed
Digital age.

I said i was Metis
You already knew
Casual gesture to my arm
Just baked into skin
We exchanged gifts
Fragments of futures we shall build 

Akihcikewin Maskwa (Data Bear) Preparing 2024

Thursday, May 2, 2024

This morning: trench time

Two friends
run to embrace.
message carried,

cousins contacted
council sought
cedar greeted
street provided

circle needs guarding?

got ma teachings
laying tobacco
cause our warriors walk

Grandmothers gather.
Grandfathers gather.
winds foretold

we cannot
hold your space in the circle

paths diverge

healing is hard

but you are survive

I did.
They did.
You can.

peace in balance.

your day
to plan the battle
may come
under older suns.

Akihcikewin Maskwa (Data Bear) Preparing 2024

Monday, April 29, 2024

Bear Learns a New Game: Decolonization story for Chapter 4

 Bear Learns a New Game

So that Raven is a trickster eh? Always asking questions and getting involved in people’s business. So of course, that’s how this story starts! Bear was just wandering, looking poking for answers and pawing for questions when a voice whispered

“Did ya know? Did ya try it? It changed my life!”

Well Bear was all ears. Something new! Something transformative! And Raven let the expectations grow – stretching that silence like meat in hard times.

“It’s true. The answers to all your woes is close.” Raven hopped around the corner “Follow. Follow. I will be your guide.”

So Bear followed to a parking lot and with a very interesting shape marked into the ground in BIG BOLD LINES. Within the grid there were lots of those strange symbols that some folks stick together to say things on paper. Bear always liked the challenge of figuring out these new symbols and games. Bear spent a long time thinking about the patterns and rhythms of this new shape. Maybe too long.

When Bear finally looked up - dark was creeping close and Raven had disappeared. Bear was getting hungry and turning to leave when there was a voice sweet as a summer breeze from a shadow,

“It is a real beauty eh?”

In the dark it was hard to see who owned the voice but Bear didn’t really care. Bear’s mind was in love with this delightful new puzzle. Before long the voice sounded closer

“I could.. tell you.. what I know. I am just learning but then you could play a game with me… Just a fun game between friends.”

Now Bear knew lots about circle maths and teachings so they wanted to learn this new knowledge too. Maybe it would help them better understand circles! But Bear also remembered other sweet voices in dark places so they though deep before they replied.

“How do I know this is a good game? Maybe you just want to trick this hungry, tired Bear.”

The shadowed voice was silent. “You are a very wise Bear. I will teach you to play – and afterwards you can decide if you want to waste your clever mind on such a simple game. But it is just efun to pass the time.”

This seemed quite sensible to Bear who though the proposal fair. Movements were decided by a cube that created numbers to tell us how many squares to travel. If your new square had a vine, you could climb to the top and get ahead very quickly. But if you landed on a spot with a snake it could swallow you and transport the person far back in the race. The deciding cube was a fair speaker so the game was only of luck - the voice assured Bear.

Now Bear did some quick calculations and decided that the risk to try this new game was acceptable. Bear could always leave if the game was too boring but it looked like it could be fun. And Bear did enjoy the game. So after a while, when the voice suggested they make things more interesting, Bear agreed. When the voice said they should make the vines shorter so it was more of a challenge. Bear agreed. When Bear thought the Snakes had maybe grown longer they did not say anything. Sometimes Bear won and it felt amazing. A great abundance of blankets, baskets of berries and plies of sewing machines and clocks grew around them. When Bear lost, the piles moved to the other player. Bear started imagining how happy Grandmother would be to have some of these items. How much easier her life!

After a long time. Bear’s stomach reminded them that this game would not fill their belly tonight and that there were others at home who needed to be fed. But when Bear explained these things, the other player pleaded again and again for just one more game. “

Listen to your mind Bear not your stomach. Look at these fine machines. They will save you time.” And Bear would play another game.

After another long time, Bear’s stomach called an end to the evening. Bear really wanted to play a little longer and bring some of those lovely things back to their side of the magic square but a hungry stomach comes before all else.

“Thank you my brother/sister for the company. But having both won and both lost it is a good time to return to our homes. It was kind of you to share your knowledges. Let’s we meet tomorrow and play circle games.”

The voice was chilly “The magic of circles is pale and weak compared to the magic of the squares and lines. If you want to play more, learn more, number more that is the game we must play.”

And as Bear considered those words Grandfather Sun arose to show Bear who the other player had been. For that player was afraid of Grandfather and fled as soon a dawn gathered strength. In that moment, Bear realized that they had learned the games of the Wiitigo. The games of hunger, wanting more and making sure lines go up. Ho


Metis Creation Story: Decolonization story for Chapter 3

Metis Creation Story[1]

Let me tell you a story that starts with that Turtle, busy swimming across the waters, and the First Peoples and who lived on that big steady back. Littles and bigs. Flyers and swimmers. The slow ones and the fast ones – All the Relations – had their spots around the bowl. And all feasted and celebrated and mourned together. Now there were times the bowl was less full than others but overall, there was abundance. This was because of the Great Laws. Now there are many names to those respect teachings among the Circle Peoples but all knew they were equal around the bowl even when sometimes a relation needed a helping hand or paw to fill their bellies. But the Great Laws had ways to ensure that all were still part of the Feast.

After a long long time, the relations heard voices very far away. The Grandmothers sent out some of the flying ones to investigate. They reported that there were new two legged ones climbing up Turtles leg. The Old ones took council and prepared to greet these arrivals. At the feast, over stories and songs, the relations learned that some of the new Turtle travelers carried circle teachings from their places. These folks learned the bowl rules and joined in relationship with the community. This is how it always was. The Great Laws are adaptable. Welcoming and adopting folks who could work together to care for the bowl.  That’s what the Grandparents teach. When we have enough we share and when we don’t we adapt. These new ones became the Metis.

These new peoples were woven from the threads of the Great Laws and the Circle peoples caught up in Empire. We are the descendants of those who left or who were driven out of Europe for economic, political and religious reasons. Where sheep were given land and the people were starved. We are the descendants of Black Grandparents brought to Turtle Island as slaves or who travelled here as free folk. We are the descendants of the Chinese workers brought to tame Turtle Island with railways. We are the descendants of Sikh men who came to work the woods. We are resilience and adaptation just as our Ancestors showed us.

After more time, the relations heard noises far away. The Grandmothers sent out some of the swimming ones to investigate who reported that more unknown two legged ones were climbing up Turtles leg. The Old ones again took council before preparing to greet these arrivals.  But these new arrivals passed the Grandmothers and went straight to the bowl - even before the proper greetings – even before telling us about their people! They reached hands, still dusty from travel right into the feast. The Grandmothers explained the rules but some still didn’t listen. Some didn’t like the rules. They had other rules – better rules. Written down on paper rules. Rules in strange symbols that they trust more than relationships. But while we kept explaining how the bowl worked and who all the relations are – and why they matter, well something happened to the bowl itself. Less was going in, more was going out and lots of relatives were going hungry. Some weren’t able to get close enough to eat and some were trampled or forgotten.

Data Bear thinks that Metis folks are questions. That our very bodies carry those questions. Questions about who got remembered. Questions about assimilation. Questions about who get counted. But maybe our bodies also hold some answers. Maybe we can carve lobsticks to show possible paths? In the current moment, data is king. But this Bear thinks it is a false leader since it can often only show us paths of binary (0 or 1). But Metis folks, we are and we are circles. We are the people of the shared bowl who together with our First Nations and Inuit family and are part of the mending, setting things back to right and the care for those who have been hungry a long time. We are about remembering our shared histories of abundance. Ho

[1] Ninanaskomowin to Luc for his insightful comments

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Snake shaped inspirations

Passing shadows
LeonardCohens deep.
Sitten in the basement
Snake shaped inspirations
Boot us!
On necks
Or foots
Full of maths
= can’t live like this any more

Akihcikewin Maskwa (Data Bear) Preparing 2024

Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Bear goes East: We have always been modern - Decolonization story for Chapter 2

 Bear goes East - We have always been modern[1]

Sometimes the Grandmothers send us to journey. Maybe for meditation. Maybe with message. Maybe with mission. Since we were now stained with the unknown symbols – the Grandmothers sent us to gain the knowledge of the markings. They instructed us to go towards the rising sun until we found answers. So every day we journeyed.  Oh, the stories we could tell of those times…. those we met, folks who fed us, those we who encouraged us, who waved us off as we headed further East. We learned many things in those days, but not the knowledge of the symbols, so we continues east until we ran out of land.

Ever spent time with a sea-sick bear? Imagine it for a moment… So unsurprisingly we made few friends during those days.  Weak and missing home, we were ready to give up the journey until a kindly Doctor of medicines visited furside. As he showed us the medicines he had to calm our stomach, we noticed the container had the same kind of symbols that stained our fur. So we came to understand that these were the symbols of great medicine!

In the following days, renewed to the mission and in health we asked the Doctor if he could teach us the magic of these symbols. The Doctor said there was no need for a bear to read and write. He told us that it wasn’t natural and that there wasn’t even any need, as we were a child of the “Great Mother”.  He told us that this Great Mother would ensure our safety. But the Doctor was eventually persuaded to share some magics after he found us learning letters and playing number games with the sailors who had been very glad to share knowledges for tobacco.

After crossing the big waters we arrived at “civilization” where all the great thoughts, beautiful things and best ways were kept. My companions were very proud to show off all their plunder and their ways. As the Grandmothers taught, we listened, we watched and we learned. They declared, even as I explained this was not truth, that we were surely a prince of our peoples. So they dressed us in silks, showed us off to their best and declared their peoples as great and eternally favored by the gods. The “Great Mother” kept me close in those days and we made a friendship with a teller of stories who played with the symbol letters to create great magics. Folks would come from all around to see these stories performed. I learned that he even had a special house for the telling of his stories, so great was his power.

We prepared carefully for the great gathering in our finest Bear regalia excited to see more of this civilization. But instead of joining the crowds of people on the floor, we were whisked to a high perch over the people. But the people of the floor rightly saw that we were apart and called for us to join them “Bear, Bear” they chanted, even as the play began. They were so loud that our friend eventually invited us to be seated on the stage so the people could watch a Bear watch the story. A chair was set on stage for us and the young man in black returned with his skull to continue his promise of vengeance to his father now passed to the spirit world.

The story is dizzying in color, intrigue and emotion. A true story for the ages. As the telling ends, the young Hamlet, vengeance fulfilled, walks the rainbow bridge as a warrior. His last request, that his story be shared. With the crowd below us, we stand to honor this retelling. Then as the crowd continues to clap and stamp their feet, the story teller himself came out to bow. Then our friend invited us to join him center stage. We were a little scared, but honored too, that a man of such magics over letters acknowledged us. Imagine it for a moment…

During my stay with the Great Mother, we spent much time with man who knew these magics and learned all we could with them. Then one night, we were visited by the Grandmothers in the dream time and we understood that our time across the waters was at an end. As we prepared to retrace our journey – now towards the west, our new friends gifted us with many nice things, papers of magic and of course – medicines for our time on the seas. No more sea sick bears! Our last goodbye was to the great teller of tales. We thought hard about what we could gift this great teacher who showed how those letters could be used to tell the most heart breaking of stories, could be used to make us laugh and how they could help us tell truths that might be hard to hear. As we were brothers through our friendship we gifted him with the spirit name that came to us in the dreamtime. We spoke this name before them in our language and his, “Exit pursued by a bear.” [2] Imagine it for a moment…

And so it was that Data Bear learned the meaning of those symbols on their fur, came to travel across the big waters and became brother with a holder of great story telling magics. Ho!

[1] Inspired by themes in We Have Never Been Modern – Bruno Latour and ``On Savage Shores: How Indigenous Americans Discovered Europe`` Caroline Dodds Pennock.

Thursday, March 28, 2024

Mathematics of hope

Circle of care
Circle of bear
Mathematics of hope
When we gonna take that teaching?

Let’s struggle together
No pass/fail
Learnt as try
Another day eaten
Another hope
Closer to hand

Pehiw W2022

Trust the moment

Gotta trust the moment
Let go
The end of that
The start of this

Accountants gasp
Hard to double book
When time
Reverted to real

Remade as toys for tots
Not as a means of control

It is ok to weave
“I don’t know”
Into tomorrow
Think what joy
You might give home to?

Pehiw W2022

Thunder sunk in deep

Even as the anger
Took its turn
To run through feet
Into earth
Into all
I saw you live that TRUTH
You held a space
Even as I wander unmade

Who is this person?
The angers did not claim me
Our blood spoke quite clear
I unworthy
Carry your work
Bundle to bundle

We stretch wing
We forgot we had
Hold heart
Left for dry
Explore sounds
When there is
Air aplenty
Water the wild places

Culture told the wind

Communities share every star


Thunder sunk in deep.

Pehiw W2022

Ears alone

It is time to
Don our best
To ceremony

Leave time

The smallest
Have their place
Be they winged
Makers of lace
Or gatherers of pollen

You are our teachers
With lessons of untold
Two legged
Don’t fear silence

Can’t help us hear.

Pehiw 2022

Anyone Got a solution?

Got a solution
For ancestors
Who join Teams
And crash the calls?

For medicines
That flare so high
You singe your screen?

For all the new challenges
All the firsts?

We dream you forward
We plan for distant futures
As we live out firsts
By those who long traversed the rainbow trail

Pehiw 2022

Expertise and forgetting

So I could sit that day
Another Minister
Forced to face the people
The government tried to forget
My appetite
To adorn
To show
White skin aside
We are still here.

So by accident
(not really – creator made is so)
My first born beside me
So strong
To walk up to that stage
Hand in hand with Elder
You one – you carry all
You inherited the future
-for truth and reconciliation –

When it is time
Please tell their stories
The firsts
The harm
The hope
Tell them of those other days
That same hill
Adorned with ribbon skirts
Tell them to bear witness
To hear the Clan Grandmothers
To honour our lost

Above my head
In the very stones
Who oversaw those harms
“speak truth to power.”
Put down your suits
This work might get dirty
Might last deep into night –

Come in jeans and hoodies
Separate no more
Detoxing from the drugs
Of expertise and forgetting.

Pehiw Wandering 2022

Every year

Every year
Since you born
We come
To connect
To smile
To love.
You are my Pride
Exactly you
Even when it hurts
Awesomely brave
Doer of hard things
Backed by survive.

NanaBjörn Wandering 2023

Next feast will be different

Eat the young
They know truths
Ancient parasites

Afraid of the consequences
If they ever rest
For the young
Left starving
Will loose chains
Sharpen wits
An opium
You put in hands
Never minding
Border illumination
Half rabbit
Half lizard
Gonna play asssssssss flute
While Anubis
Risk based algorithm
Shows hidden depravities
Still not human bodies
Too brown
Too wrong
To angry!
Heart to heart
To fire!
Next feast will be different.

NB Oct 23

Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Mythodology - Proposing a new vocabulary bowl for the Bear work


Mythodology by Data Bear Hibernation 2023

For my current work we would like to introduce the term “Mythodology” to capture our ways of working and thinking. Mythodology is place based, rooted in Bear teachings – it is embodied and lived policy making by Circle Peoples.[1] We are learning as we do – but for now, here are some of the elements in the mythodology bowl

  • Methodology rooted in stories – real, interpreted and created
  • Rooted in respects, relationships, reciprocity – explicitly inclusionary
  • Draws from and is actively engaged with Indigenous and Decolonizing methodologies
  • Embedded in the communities, lands, Ancestors and Knowledge Holders that we learn with
  • Collaborative, creative, constructive – we hold knowledges and build them to pass on to those to come (The Bear Bundle)
  • Encourages a rooted, practical and experimental journey. It is knowing through multiple senses and means of knowing.
  • Since the learning and understanding is in the journey exploration, trying things and wandering are encouraged.
  • Share what you are learning and pass it on to others. We hold the stories and answers inside of us.
  • Through using the voice of Data Bear we will try to articulate and reclaim parts of the historical Indigenous economic and policy stories. This approach has a number of build in key elements of Indigenous and Decolonizing methodologies.
  • Based in stories told in our ways. Oral transmission of stories was our way. This included a rich ecosystem of symbolism related to all our relations.
  • Decouple us from western/linear ideas of time.
  • Engages thoughtfully with the knowledges of the Ancestors, Grandparents, Elders and our other teachers.
  • Embeds the economic story in place – the historic now
  • Turns the Indigenous gaze on colonial institutions to reclaim our economic and policy narrative (Latour – Truthiness)
  • Embeds to story in the people – especially where those stories might be “missing” or overlooked. (Link to Swain Thesis)

Friday, February 23, 2024

Grandfather Bear

Indelicate fractures
Becoming is uuuuuggggllllly
Shattering solemnity


You said lyrics
I heard
While riding caribous.
Echoes hold hands
across generations.

I rode
The rattlesnake
Under stars
Dry grass music
Soil smells perfume
Mouth open
Taste world.
Sandy brambles
Mètis in space(s)
Soul home
On other people’s places.

Got strategy ancestors
“Environmental scanning”
Foresight teachings
From a Pro-fessor
Fancy u-ni-ver-sity


But don't know nothing
wind didn’t tell
grass didn’t gift
waters didn’t share.

Carrying messages
Tongues can’t yet speak.
Finally enough dimensions!

Akihcikewin Maskwa (Data Bear) Hibernating 2023

Monday, February 12, 2024

Following the Caribou

Working with the Caribou I felt like I needed my own horns.
Slide skin
over fur
once enrobing
Goes Far
Goes Fast.

burn with sage
Shed me
copper horns
café crowds
too close!

in my head
snowy crowned.

They eat
only green
yet feed

they insist,
to face the wind head on!
Makes em "hard to herd."

Akihcikewin Maskwa (Data Bear) Hibernating 2023

Bear learns some new things and gets a name - Decolonization story for Chapter 1

 Bear learns some new things and gets a name

Welcome round the fire. We have some new stories to tell. Maybe you find something there – maybe not. That’s ok. There will be balance overall – in the unfolding of time. This is one is a new story. So maybe you gonna see where things been joined together. That’s ok. We can make it better together.

So it must have been some time back as Bear was smaller and it was afore questions even had answers. Same as everyday Bear went out walking. The same path can brings new adventures if you find the right companion. Well it was a very fine day of the kind that needed a fine companion. We was bored and wanted new friends to taste and juggle questions with. We had played with the winged ones but they got bored when we could not join their flying games. We often frolicked with the four footed but we were too similar and the games were getting boring. We looked to the ground, perhaps a small one? They could see what we could not.  They could go where we could not.

But how to attract the company of such a relative? Our sizes could make it difficult. Maybe we were too scary? Maybe they would not speak Bear? Maybe they did not even like questions. As we sat to think we remembered the teachings of the Grandmothers – we were all equal when we meet in respect. Luckily we was prepared. Like Grandmas always said. Still sticky from an earlier adventure we rescued honey stuck to the side of our nose and set it a little away on a nice bit of soil – a respectful distance - to wait to see if our gift would be accepted.

At first, we could not find the Manicôs[1] (little insect) their body well camouflaged to the soil. We heard the voice – as smooth as the honey gifted. We told them about our people and lands in the good way. Honey still on their tongue we started to play and Manicôs knew so many ways to play with questions. We stayed so late we heard Nôsemaskwa[2] come to gather us home. “Manicôs – you can meet our Kin” but when we turned our little friend was gone but stomach hungry we hurried towards Nôsemaskwa.

The next day we hurried, with extra honey to the same spot hoping to meet this knower of unknown delights. Again we spent the day playing new games with these old questions. Manicôs was very wise and ever so clever. But they were also very shy and did not want to share about their kin. When we asked Manicôs why, they responded in their honied voice, “This story is much too scary for a young Bear. No no no. But… maybe if  I had some of the courage of a strong young Bear…”

Well of course! Bears always like to help and share. So each sun we helped Manicôs by moving a little closer. Manicôs said that was helping – That we were helping and each day they told us how clever and brave we were. So we wanted to be seen to be seen as even more clever and brave so we asked Manicôs what we could do next. Manicôs looked sad and was quiet for a long time “you could….nevermind…” We leaned closer “We are brave enough – we can do whatever you need.” So Manicôs told me that we could more easily share our bravery with them if we were much much closer. “If you look me eyeballs to eyeballs you could share lots of courage with me and I can tell how I learned all those question games you love.”

We thought about the Grandmother teachings before we replied, but what Manicôs proposed made sense and they were very small while Bear was big so we did not think they could hurt us even if they tried. That settled we brought our face close, even with my bear nose to the ground, but Manicôs was still far. “Close your eyes Bear and I will come the rest of the way to you.” We closed our eyes and heard some rustling. When we opened them again it was dark and our fur felt wet. “Manicôs – Mother will be angry that it is dark and we are not home. We need to go.” But there was no reply from our friend and when we tried to get up and leave we could not. “Manicôs, friend Manicôs” but there was no answer and we worried for the little friend lost in the dark.

Then we got scared and cried out but there were no answers only silence. We tried to find a way out of this WHEREVER. But all we could feel were rocks in shapes we never felt before. Between tears, and finding some bonus ear honey, we figured out that by stacking up these rocks we could make steps to escape the wet and dark. Step after step we stacked those rocks until we could see light in the distance. “We will put together enough of these rocks to escape and find the light.”

9€₃₭₊₇₲₲₢ᾳ2ꓶ√ ₮⑦₾∏⑩ὂΣ Ɐ

9ȇ⑱ꓞ∞2ꓶ√ ₮⑦₾∏⑩ὂΣ Ɐ

9ȇ⑱ꓞ∞2ꓶ√ ₮⑦₾∏⑩ὂΣ Ɐ

9ȇ⑱ꓞ∞2ꓶ√ ₮⑦₾∏⑩ὂΣ Ɐ


Last step in place, we exited into the light and took a few disorientated steps. We turned around not to see a cavern or spring had captured us, but that the rock stairs exited  through the mouth of Misi-kinêpik[3] (enormous snake[4]). We fell back in fear and cried out for Nôsemaskwa. She guided us home and brought us before the old ones who exclaimed with concerns as we were marked from those strange magic rocks. No amount of medicinces or baths could remove these marks. So we were given a new name “Maskwa Akihcikewin” (Data Bear) and it was only much later that we started to understand the symbols was left upon our fur, what changes Misi-kinêpik left on our insides or what they took from us. Ho

[2] a female bear, a mother bear ᓅᓭᒪᐢᑲᐧ nôsemaskwa 

[3] large snake, serpent ᒥᓯ ᑭᓀᐱᐠ misi-kinêpik [NA]

[4] “The snake cannot be captured, it cannot be tied, it cannot be tortutred or hung or crucified” – Shane McGowen


Worms and Supernumeraries

First Bear Pin

Tansi, I am writing a lot for the next phase of Bear work and not all of it is for the paper but I don't want it to get lost either so I will post these here as I am working through my files. This is the first thing I wrote after the Grandmothers Dream. This is my conversation with Medicine Bear.


I have to tell all the stories. We is too full. Been too much since time began. In math language ∞ is everything. But that’s us Bear. The people of ∞. We was “half Indian, half white, half devil.” We even got a family curse – perfect memory. But lately, a cousin came to town and they remember – you know all the way to the gristle and bones. And then they joined to Grandmothers[2] whispers in the dream time “What if…” And They gifted us knowledge of how we could remember more than perfect. Ninanaskomowin Cuz.

So now I see the patterns in the stories. We see how to reclaim our stories.

But Bear we’re not like you – Medicine Bundle Holder, Holder of Big Names, Carrier of old stories. We’re Data Bear. We like to play with numbers. We have a superhero cape and math world tattoos. Parts of our head don’t work right. I can’t even right their words write. Remember Kindergarten when they told us we was STOOPID! Remember grad school? The Meathead/Method moment? And we came pretty fare given all that before stuff, but let me tumble in the number meadows. This bear is tired. Find a better, younger, smarter bear.

Pause as Medicine Bear breathes.

We wait for his response and it must have been a looooong time because I got bored. I went eye-ball juggling with Nanabush, got into trouble with Wiitigo, stacked letters high into some of them stone circles. I got so bored of all that fun so I came back to watch Bear breathe.

Drum beat…∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞

Went to hibernate and give the mountains time to grow up.

So here we are now. In a time where we can speak. We are Data Bear who holds many stories, because sometimes we listened, we watched, we read, we saw patterns, we found cousins and we REMEMBER it all.

[1] An extra, in excess.

[2] This Grandmother dream was written out and is shared under the direction of Elder Barb Brant (Mohawk, Turtle Clan)

Monday, January 22, 2024

Civil servant stories


Florence Nightingale (English), nurse and inventor of the pie chart produced an analysis of the death rates of children in government run schools across the British Empire.  This report was published in 1863 and reported a mortality rate for Indigenous children that was twice that of English children of the same age.


Charles Alexander Eastman (Dakota) was the first Indigenous person to become a Dr in the US and he was later a writer and reformer.  He was a Dr for the Bureau of Indian Affairs and cared for the Indigenous peoples there after the Wounded Knee Massacre.  From the paper I read about him, these deaths deeply impacted him and his subsequent reform work.


Laura Cornelius Kellogg (Oneida) pursued land claims and developed the “Lolomi Plan” an alternative to the Bureau of Indian Affairs.  This plans focused on building self-sufficiency for Indigenous people based on cooperative labour, connection to indigeneity and traditional knowledge.  Her vision was one of successful economies for Indigenous peoples that drew on the strengths of the communities and traditions.  She was a longtime advocate for her peoples.


Jean Cuthand Goodwill (Cree) was one of the first Indigenous registered nurses in Canada who later became a public servant.  She was active at the same time as my great uncle Jim Brady (Métis) who worked to support Métis and Indigenous peoples.  He also held a number of positions for the government.  His mother, my great grandmother, Philomena Archange Garneau, was Alberta’s first Métis registered nurse.


Do you have any civil service ancestors?  Share in the comments.

 I did not know that responsibility for Indigenous peoples was under Mining at one point.

Here is the wiki page about the Canadian Civil service history where I learnt that they formally restricted the employment of married women and fired married women who were already working for the government.  This rule was in place until 1955.

Friday, January 19, 2024

Don't know about war

Don’t know about war
Till you ending one*
Couldn’t even see
Till hope
Travelled a bridge
Not made true.
“So we knee deep in the BIG MUDDY
And the Captain said to push on!”

You said
“Don’t look back”
But can’t go forward
Till truth
Lands like comet
Precious copper
From afore
We knew not land
Only waters!

They stole your treasures
Forgot your names
Teachings from dark places.

Let each first
Be your feast
Two Spirits
Be yOuR textures
To burnt velvet
It all matters!
All of it!
Blood memory

Let Auntie winds
The mysteries if you

Like Geese
Let Warrior
War goer
Each turn take
Polishes copper armor

Come Home!
Only right there
Where the Grandmothers tell of safety
We will tend each ember.

Data Bear Hibernation 2023
*Lyric from Clash and Stormzy
To Alice Caldwell Kelly who is Queen of things that fall down and Woody Guthrie**
*** Cree - s/he build bridges, s/he makes a ford


Eagles Tell Us

Eagles told us
“Find a place to make your stand”
“Take it easy”
True on scratched vinyl
True on Spotify
True sketched in stone

Each steel guitar
Sublime tortures

Warrior old eyes
Beyond here and now

Gender pine needle
Two are one
One as two
Woven in multitudes
Stitched together
Shape sides
Ceremony READY


“Don’t let the sounds of your own wheels drive you crazy”

Akihcikewin Maskwa (Data Bear) Hibernation 2023
*From the Eagles song “Take it Easy”

Ministry of…Changes it’s name!

Circle tongues
Fill face different
Operating manuel?
Grandparents teachings!
Bear Sky maps
Each new light
Clarifies patterns

We women
Corner tower
Power street
Under posters
On First Peoples’ Land.
I call you sisters.
We understand heart languages.
You help me see.
You show me
Precious moments
From your eyes.
Still three
I foresee
Another will join
To hold each direction
To speak such truths
Their beauty makes us gasp
Such griefs
We each transform
Rainbow dances as I write

Ministry of…Changes it’s name!
Rock people
Sick people
Risk people
Backward people.
Too much!
Too little!
Too many darks!
Too many lights!


Looks back
To keep watch

Keen eyes
Are needed.

Communicates with others
In songs made of night.

The geometric
Diamond strong
That are we.

Akihcikewin Maskwa (Data Bear) Hibernation 20203
This is for my circle peoples especially AK and IK. As I was writing this poem three birds joined me. Ninanaskomowin to the Feather relations.