Friday, May 17, 2024

On the violence of forgetting

steals my nouns
ordinary things
like carrots (rebranded calculator)
Never thought
to check sofa cracks
history's leavings
things re-seen
In uncertain palm
Truth had deep roots.
We can have no futures
built on the violences of forgetting

Pehiw Awakening 24

Thursday, May 16, 2024

"If it wasn't for this, there would be no that."

 "If it 
wasn't for this,
there would be
no that."*
diaphanous disguise
either way
you gotta love it.
wizard of oz
seed the future
city of green
so ludicrous
we call them unicorns.
breathe in despair-disappear
argue the universe
time to clean its room.

Breathe out
rhythm by rhythm
kindness by kindness
circle into circle.

Pehiw Preparing 24

*Intro "American Gangster" Jay-Z and to Jodi A. Byrd, citizen of the Chickasaw Nation whose book "The Transit of Empire" speaks this truth,

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Spaces between our fingers

I want to write
a DPR#%&*
like them men
who sang with the Ancestors**
a ballad
of burecratic bullshit
discordant dystopias
numbers of fish
dead students
hate crimes
economic crimes
strategic plans
forests of despair/disappear
cabinet room
locked in bedroom
need to make room

I can measure everything!
until it sings to me
count the caribou
enumerate machines
tally bones.

must toil
to redeem.....
but how to weave
when looms destroyed
and only hands remain?
hunters of impossible futures
taught only S E L F
we must practice harmonies
hidden in the spaces between our fingers.

Akihcikewin Maskwa (Data Bear) Preparing 2024

*Departmental Results Reports - I have written content for many of these reports and there are historical versions written with input of my Ancestors and about my Ancestors. 
**Jeremy Dutcher an Wolastoqiyik (Maliseet) member of the Tobique First Nation in North-West New Brunswick, released Wolastoqiyik Lintuwakonawa in 2018. This album is a dialogue with the Ancestors.
Aysanabee is an Oji-Creewhose debut album Watin was named for his grandfather and features several recordings with him on the album.

Crime without Punishment, starring the Desk Killers - Before the Silence: Draft Chapter 5

It was the time of extraordinary men. Men who came to tame the woods. Men who set the huffing and puffing steel snakes to imprison prairies. Men who came in disguise. Black robes covering veins hungry for gold. Thieves dressed in the clothes of academics. Accountants styled as poets. They dug deep into the Mother – they played with old magics where desk men conjured numbers and made mystic calculations about who might live and who must die.

In that time of extraordinary men, we learned that caves were dirty, smelly and uncivilized. Stone was so old fashioned! They told stories of wonderful futures without illness, without want, without sadness. We could trade our knowledges of the letters and number magics for cash. Cash, they explained, had its own magic. It could transform into anything!

“Look, we will show you the way.” So they worked their magics and transformed the boggy land by adding a house made of dried grasses tied into bundles. “Come work for us and one day you, our friend – imagine it – one day you will live in a house of fine red brick.” Our caves were filling with men looking for shiny metals, and our wandering was constrained by the steel snakes and extraordinary rules, so this sounded pretty good.

But this new house of straw was leaky and moldy, obviously inferior to the caves, and was far from the hunting grounds. We spoke these truths to the men, and many times they promised to send supplies, but it was only when our body was gaunt that they appeared. They spoke sternly, “You are not keeping up your magic on this home! You must apply yourself more.” Over and over again they chanted these words until a great wind was formed and with a massive exhale they blew the straw house straight to the skies.

“We will build you a better house. But now you have had time to grow your own magics. Give us… let’s say… 25% of your magic today and, one day, my friend – imagine it – you will live in a house of fine red brick.” So they transformed a windy prairie spot by adding of a house of pine. While the constant winds shook our home, and the howls of the steel snakes bisected our days and ways there were few caves nearby. This home was dry and clean, and the cupboard full of food for a long winter.

But every day we feasted alone, unable to find any relations nearby.  As the days passed, our thoughts grew strange as food seemed to vanish every day even though we replenished it often with magics. After careful consideration, and a great number of calculations, we were sure our stores would not last the winter, no matter how long we worked.

With shame, we spoke this truth to our friends and many times they promised to send seeds so we could raise a garden, but it was only when our body was emaciated that they appeared. They spoke harshly, “You are not keeping up your magic on this home. You must apply yourself more.” Over and over again they chanted these words until a great wind was formed and with a great exhale they blew the wood box straight to the skies.

“We will build you a better house. But now you have even more of your own magics. Give us another 25% of your magics and today – imagine it – you will move into a house of fine red brink.” So they transformed a forest of cedar with the addition of houses of fine red brink. Row on row of identical red boxes. The nearby caves were wet and empty, but there was a Tim’s nearby. We might feast alone, but at least we were bonded with those in our brand clan.

But as the days passed, we heard ghostly whispers (“Double-Double, toil and trouble”) as the food seemed to diminish everyday even though we contributed greater and greater magics. After careful consideration, and a great number of calculations, we were sure our Tim’s Card would not last until the next payday, no matter how many hours we worked.

With shame, we spoke this truth to our friends and many times they promised to upload points on our Tim’s Card, but it was only when our body was skeletal that they appeared. They spoke unsympathetically, “You are not keeping up your magic on this home. You must apply yourself more.” Over and over again they chanted these words until a great wind was formed and with a great exhale they transformed the bricks from neat little boxes into one giant brick tower that almost blocked the sun. “Enter those doors to find your future.” Well, we had a bad feeling about that building but we were far from our lands, our magics insufficient to sustain us, hungry and tired we entered those doors, never suspecting how long those bricks would hold us. Ho

 Ninanaskomowin to JB for his contributions and commas.

Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Dream catcher and dashboard temple

Dream catcher
Dashboard temple
Golden fish
(Cause ottawa)
Order latte
Desk killer?
Embodied dreamer?
Closet dweller?
Excuse giver?

I stood witness
To a reading of our crimes
Too tired
Sick everything
Everyone sees the threads
Shall we all pull?
Show the emperor's shame

Worked here then too!
No. They moved us.
Each move a corrosion
Fewer boxes followed
Digital age.

I said i was Metis
You already knew
Casual gesture to my arm
Just baked into skin
We exchanged gifts
Fragments of futures we shall build 

Akihcikewin Maskwa (Data Bear) Preparing 2024

Thursday, May 2, 2024

This morning: trench time

Two friends
run to embrace.
message carried,

cousins contacted
council sought
cedar greeted
street provided

circle needs guarding?

got ma teachings
laying tobacco
cause our warriors walk

Grandmothers gather.
Grandfathers gather.
winds foretold

we cannot
hold your space in the circle

paths diverge

healing is hard

but you are survive

I did.
They did.
You can.

peace in balance.

your day
to plan the battle
may come
under older suns.

Akihcikewin Maskwa (Data Bear) Preparing 2024