Thursday, February 5, 2015

Negotiating Difference Through a Youtube lens

 Last night I tried to engage the girls by retelling one of the other stories the Elders shared.  I asked them what they thought it meant.  Runa said she thought it meant you should not trust people with poisen bread.  Seems like a fair life lesson if a less nueanced view than the story seems to suggest.
R was given a book about paralympians at school and she makes us read it often.  I have a phobia about amputations and try to be cool about it, but it really made a mark on her.  The last two nights she made us look up some of the sports on Youtube and watch people playing them and while I have my hangups, she has a world where injury is not the end of movement and difference is a part of live.  That is way healthier that my hang ups.
I feel this role to not translate my predjudices onward very strongly sometimes.  In some things I am pretty aware of my predjudices and can be active about this process but in others....and how many others?  I really value that part of having children and their push back on how I see the world.

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