Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Dog dreams and more work

A dog emerged out of this doodle.  I am always fascinated by our dog and wonder what he is thinking and dreaming about.  Is he bored to be a dog?  Does he wish he could do other things like literary criticism and sad we don't ask?  Or is he just happy as a dog who gets to eat and go for walks?  Joel teases me for caring about this, but it comes to me over and over, the same questions with the cats.

I want to encourage you to visit Halfbreed's Reasoning and her post about her relationship with her body.  This is some powerful story medicine.  You might also want to try the post "Kiyam" (Cree for "let it be").  I really liked numbers two and four.

"2. you should be resilience and resistance and infinite; you should be huckleberries and canned moose meat

4. my name is rugaroo. my name is wihtikow. somewhere along the paths’ of my mothers’ these stories got intertwined and i think they meant them as a precaution and not a guide on how to find yourself."

Sometimes I feel that witigo inside me very keenly.  Always grasping and hungry.

On another note, I found this Muskrat list of indigenous children's books interesting.

I found a new to me designer "Twindian Designs"

Finally, with a trigger warning, I can't get this article about a murdered trans-woman out of my head.  I don't even have words.  There is so much to be done.  I am heartened to see the contributions of others, through sharing their stories and ideas.  Thanks to those who contribute to the circle.

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