Monday, June 3, 2024

Dancing with "The Transit of Empire"

Reading a book*.
like fine jazz
you win me over
who is grievable?**
who is overwritten?
Who is timeless - 
held binary?
Who is sacrificed -
to lines and shames?
Who wears
what scars?
What songs
Reading a book
feels like coming home.
"homer sacer"***
sings so sweet
deep tones
tells how
rigid bodies
unable to flex
not like melodies
relived by many
sung in memory
of each circle
that was
and shall be.

Pehiw Preparing 24
* "The transit of Empire" by Jodi A Byrd (Chickasaw)
** Judith Butler "Precarious Life: The Powers of Mourning and Violence"
***Giorgio Agamben  "Homo Sacer: Sovereign Power and Bare Life"

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