Monday, October 5, 2015

Not quite lullabies....

Runa went to a sleep over this weekend and came back crazy tired and bad tempered.  As I corralled her I overheard Sophie singing the Woman's Honoring Song and since it was in my head I sang it to Ru to calm her down.  There was something powerful about singing her a song of our culture.  My heart was so full.  Later she came to me annoyed that my song had "magically made her sleep".  I thought that as I am just learning our culture as they are older I would never have the chance to lull them to sleep in a "traditional" way.  It was a very special moment to share with her.

Sophie brought her drum to circle time again this week to play.  She also offered to read the story.  It is a blessing to see her able to read after so many years of hard work.  She read the story of Nanabush and the dancing ducks, where he ends up with his bottom on fire.  This is a much loved Nanabush story in our household.  We also practiced our Cree numbers.  I really want to try and incorporate this language learning into circle time every week.

For parenting, I found this list of Cree words for interacting with children here.  I am also going to try these lesson plans that look like a good way to build vocabulary.

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