Friday, September 2, 2022

I have to retell some story

I have to retell some story
Many/all maybe?
That tattoo – lie.
That math +new story
Never (k)new poison so deep

Of course I have darks
They inheritances of chaos
I cannot hate those either
They are the darks that make art
The moments that give us succor
The ecstasy of perfect balance

They are the dark of soil
Alive with life
Even without light
They are Darwin
-man enough to face the CHURCH-
But afraid of the power of worm
He knew they could change the landscape
After generation
Just living

Invisible is ok
Ok to heal or tear
Ok to not push forward
But to shrink
To soothe
Tender place
You are this but also awesome strong

This moment – fail – regret – feel-
It is true but not true
It is story you can bend like streamed wood
The grain
The smell/feel is root (own your harm)
But brave heat/water
Let soften
Transform your role
Your guilt
Your regrets
villain or god

A you who knew less
A you who helped now you survive
A strong beautiful you
Even with its eyes full of rage
Breaths ragged from the Battle
Gore covered maw

Raise your head
To eye
To eye
To eye
See your future/past
What is mine?
What is yours?

And if today
I fail to look true
Then tomorrow
Another chance to try

Pehiw W2022

The struggle

Of course –
The struggle is joyful*
Not easy
Not wanted
But it sparks
Or it is not yours to carry

Pehiw W2022

*Gloria Steinem?

Bear’s Lost Battalion

Warriors of the interior
I light my joint careful
To scarred by trench living
The instinct too deep
Live for package
News from away
A letter
Her perfume
Armistice by fall?

Never warm
Never silent
Never safe
The boredom
The terror
The never agains

We bandage the wounded
Send them right back
EAP - three little letters
Signal a battle
When munitions are low
Wounds that needs lending
But still fit for line

An army of civil
Forgotten back home
No histories in horror
Forgetters us all
We sup on the flesh
Of the young
And indentured

Supply chains stretched dangerous
Our scopes
Stopped by mud
Sent guard for ideas
A moldering horde
But stiff upper lip
Cause grammar still matters

Remember our fallen!
Remember our harm!

We dream of home
While they labyrinth our days
Hope home still exists
The sweetheart stayed true
The truce is a coming
The wound fade to scars

Remember our fallen
Speak of their stories
Write some new songs.

Pehiw W2022
For D who knows and protects

Meditations on “Knowing”

“I know”
But it took a 100 months
Or more
To comprehend the vastness of the knowings
I hold but sand
Not able to eat beach

But I only know consumption myself
The other
The world whole

I only know
To stuff myself with sights and sounds and sorrows
Too consumed to move.

So I bathed myself in silence
Then in life and hanging laundry

I am angry at myself
My first response to harm is to make it mine

Those “teachings” were to tame the fires
Of merciless Indian savages*
They are really just another way to kills us.


Pehiw 2022

* Link