Friday, December 22, 2023

How many pens?

How many pens
Sacrificed to your sublime wonder?
Can’t remember the name
But I next song it
Until I hear
My Maori cousin

That night
You, me, the Mohawk

To forehead
You loved so hard
I felt it
Tree high observer

Our loss
Our lies
Our shovels

Terse truth
Cold logic
Each word medicine
Each dance community

Akihcikewin Maskwa (Data Bear) Hibernating 2023

Wednesday, December 20, 2023

“Who am I?”

“Who am I?”
“Who am I?”
Off cave walls
Now described by scientists
“Who am I?”
Of drum beats
Of heart beats
Of old songs
“Who am I?”
Filled in memory
Ceremonies in continuity
Medicines lit in community.
“Who am I?”

Can’t remember
Name of favorite song
Started a new poem
In the middle of another
This one
That on pause
Sweat lodge
Text Elder
“Let’s have a smoke”
Hazy room of to becomes
Pride against Prejudice
Fine teacup fragility
Binary technicians

“Who am I?”
Looking for you between the moments
Looking for warmth between sheets
Books or beds
Either will do.
“Who am I?”
Ceremony each street
Retell the stories
Here we saw fox
Bear at the Boulangerie
We wrote and unwrite
Calculated deaths
“Who am I?”
Memory of circles.

Akihcikewin Maskwa (Data Bear) Hibernating 2023 - as part of the Bear work

Thursday, November 30, 2023

Teachings from a Branch

Last year, in the awakening time of Maskwa (Bear 2022) I picked up a stick because it made me it think it had something it wanted to teach me.

This stick has fallen from the tree - probably not where it wanted to be. It's got skin peeling off and I could see the tender insides - some of them dried out already from the sun and the wind. Some of them are still wet and raw. As I think about this stick - maybe I'm like that stick.  Maybe I wanted to be up on the tree this year. I wanted to have branches and leaves and become part of foundation of that tree. I wanted to have the birds to come sit and the squirrels - but that wasn't for me and that wasn't my path.


The stick is on the ground and it's waiting. Maybe it's worrying – maybe its mother tree is welcoming it back, but it's hard and it's gonna take a long time for the Earth to bring that stick home again and to be with the rest of his relatives.  But maybe that tree didn't know and now it's in my hand. Maybe that branch has a whole different path - a path that it couldn't have imagined while it was on the tree.  A path to become a part of something beautiful – a toy or an art price or even just a stick for one of our canine brothers. Maybe this stick didn't know how much of a lesson it had to share with us. Ho.

Dream of the Grandmothers

Some nights past, after spending time with Cheryl (Maskwa Kôhkomwiy / Bear’s Grandmother) talking about economic reconciliation, I heard the Kôhkomwata/Grandmothers in the dream spaces. They spoke in one voice and echoed the answers given to us by Elder Barb almost five years ago when we spoke about the practicalities of writing the “Daring to Meet the Bear” paper. I had asked for her guidance on the time period and scope of the policy paper. Her response was simple.

“Listen to what the people have already told you.”

“Go back to the beginning.”

I also felt the Kôhkomach/Grandmothers remind us to find answers in the practical, a teaching first gifted to Maskwa (Bear) by Elder Solomon in our third year. I understood how these answers continue to hold the same truth as when they were first spoken.

I woke to a small sliver of Grandmother Moon illuminating my sleeping space. I thought about how using a principals/risk based approach to meet the policy challenges of the pandemic had allowed our programs to be nimble, to respond to changing situations and unique regional needs. I thought of how, since the authorities we received were “to fill gaps” in mainstream programming, that allowed us to think about our programs in new ways and to address outstanding GBA+ concerns with our funding. I thought about what we know about our current programs and related challenges. I thought about how most of our resources go directly to communities already and I thought about what we could do if we could focus on building a bridge of economic healing, reconciliation rooted in a truth telling about Indigenous economies. Could that allow us to bypass the many binaries we face in the current framing of Indigenous economic development? (Such as high/low capacity, western ideas about time, risk tolerance) I wondered if the recommendations of the Bear Paper might have some other ideas on how to build the infrastructures we need to support ISC to meet it’s goals of service transfer and implement economic reconciliation. I thought about the abundance of tools in the innovation world and the opportunities they might provide to try new things and work differently with Indigenous partners to build sustainable and mutual capacity. I thought of wisdom and knowledges of the Ancestors that we have forgotten or put aside – the richness of thinking on these issues we are gifted if we take time to learn.

Most of all I thought of the people (oysin kitayame/ All my relations). Those we work for and with. Of those who were and will be. The people who hold the wisdom of their Grandparents. I share these words for the Bear Bundle and those who are and will join into the Bear Circle. Ho Pehiw/ Nipon Kona

“Who am I too question?”

“Who am I too question?”
I am the DNA of resistance
Irish radicals
Wanting change
War women
Wanting peace
Seeking new stories
Prisoner women
Pushed to knowledges
Prisoned letter men
Who did not break
Free folk
Who did not forget
Proud women
Unafraid of firsts
Men of machines
Women of quilt memory
I am adaptation
I am logic and needle
I am born to questions
I am Metis.

NanaBjörn Preparing 23

Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Breaking da news

They knows the news
Afore it happens
De government.

Follow the leader
Pied Piper
Got you
In a lather?

Pay your 30 silver
Join ma tour
Dem dirty
Ottawa streets
Sum secrets
Cause dirt…
She’s got a long memory.
Old as stories
Each note

Thought Sesame Street
Was documentary
“Wanna buy a letter?”
Still think of Vanna,
To try to remember

A-E-I-O-U words
But the kids got wise
Details don’t matter
When fire is at the door
Who’s got time to spin the wheel?

Gotta reclaim
Our places
Our people
Our monsters
Our songs.

I seed the future
Turns fife*
Gather peoples
To make news
They can’t imagine yet.


NanaBjörn Preparing 23

* History of flute/fife

ᓭᐁᐧᐱᒋᑲᐣ Sewepicikan (Telephone in Cree)

I love that phone
modernity embodied
western time
capitalist capture
has learned
corrects my spelling.

NanaBjörn Preparing 23

Voted most likely to wear a lime green hat

I wear black
I know Grandmas
You taught me different

Black is power
Black is armor
Black is invisible
You know it!

To become.

The took it off.

Weren’t married white either


Like Nana

Black to playgrounds
Black to world shut downs
“What are you gonna do meetings?”
Yoga pants and t-shirt realness

I wear black
With Nanas’
And Kookums.

Pehiw Prepaing 23

Monday, November 27, 2023

A Grandma’s abundance.

Bear’s Grandmother
Steel cabinet
Silk scarf
Showing up

Straw hat
Pow—wow realness
Strawberry drink
Grass policy retreat

First ever Day of Truth and Reconciliation
We witnessed
Bear Clan Grandmother Prophesy
Generations of work
Star time only

Bear’s Grandmother
Do you dance in all 11 dimensions?
Machinery of government

Budget sub-missions
Cedar sore throat
To power
And all that.

Apple butter
Big spoon
Bear likes cinnamon too!
Knows your love.
A Grandma’s abundance.

Pehiw – Preparing 2023
For CS (Maskwa Kôhkomwiy / Bear’s Grandmother)

Thursday, November 16, 2023

Introduction to “Models of Indigenous Development” Edited by Ian Skelton and Octavio Ixtacuy Lopez

 Models of Indigenous Development” considers different models of indigenous development and provides examples of development as a means of resistance.  Of particular interest for me was the discussion on the need to decolonize planning.  Various essays in this volume ask us to consider if using Western ideas of planning can lead to anything but a replication of Western ideas of economic success.

Similar to the critiques around the role of accounting in reproducing certain economic norms, this volume argues that there is a need to decolonize the tool of planning as part of positioning it within Indigenous methodologies.  This analysis also makes me think about the need for a further analysis of the tools used in economic development to determine where these tools need to be reconsidered for their neutrality and/or the need to rethink how to indigenize some of these tools.

What other analysis tools do we need to reconsider with the indigenous lens? 

Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Teachings from Sister Duck

 One day I sat down on the sand near the river.  While I sat I was visited by a duck sister (ᓰᓰᑊ sîsîp - Cree).  She came boldly to me.  She knows that the two legged ones bring food.  She came close and when I did not give her food she nipped at my toes pausing in between pecks to meet my gaze and remind me of my duty.  I looked deep into her in her eyes and after some time we came to an understanding.  She stopped nipping and sat down to guard me from any other feathered visitors.

We sat together as family. Arms and legs pulled in, ears alert to the environment but at ease.  Briefly she wandered off to play a goose game but shook that off.  She knows what she is.  She knows that Geese games are not the ones for her today.  She reminded me of the lessons of currents and winds in our lives.  She reminded me of the duck’s ability to adjust themselves and slough off the water from their feathers. She reminded me of living as a creature on land and water and sky.  She reminded me to share my gifts and inhabit my natural spaces.  In her tellings she returned me to the lessons of taking time to sit down and listen.  I thank her for the visit. 

What lessons have the crawling, flying and swimming relations brought you?

Thursday, November 9, 2023

To new callouses

It is hard to weave
Silent shuttle
Dusty frame
No source of fiber
No one
Got the know how!

Dry your tears
Those Grandmas still speak

Find the first ones
Learn their lessons

Find those who made it better
Those that know
All the things
To watch
To correct

First go
It’s awkward
Hands clumsy
Light the medicines
Connect to all those layers

Calloused thumbs
Scarred fingers
You are them

A fiber

Weak alone
Fit to robe our smallest

A story in every crossing



We need each remembered
Each trier
Each hoper

Even though this really sucks right now
Our story is you.

Pehiw 2022

Cold spots

Those “cold” spots
White hot hate
Cause I don’t remember

But I know

For everything
All the memories
Draped in textures/taste/sense

There I have none

Scarred tissue
Mind protects.


Pehiw Wandering 2022

Tuesday, November 7, 2023

This is an ugly poem: Grizzly math

It is a grizzly math
which notation?
what risk margins deemed acceptable?
standardize my assumptions
-reported annual deaths -

Too many
no matter the calculation.

Did you draft letters?
Or not even care?
form letter?
"kid dead"
prepared speech
or silence?

Why do many dead
first day?
Run aways?
Who were you?.
I remember you only as old lady
as we perched high
you wanted us down
for safety or punishment?
That is lost to time
and the maths you prefer.

Bear Vision

I don’t take your trust for granted
All ancestors welcome here
Needs us all
Healing needs a full circle
We hold the space
The all
Not matter when you joined this story
Or distant lands
Join the abundance
Share your truths
On Turtles back
Your ways
Your wisdom
In circle
In trust
Like knows like

Pehiw Wandering 2022
With a ninanaskomowin (ceremonial thank you) to all the Elders and Ancestors

Blood and Soft Stiches

“You pulled me together with blood and Soft Stiches” *
Thank you
Medicines made people

You learned to stich
So careful
That mending
A new thing lives!

We tell
Secrets of the dark
You know already
Details not needed.
And you still love

To you
We are not broken people
You add fabric
From unsayable times
To strength
Frayed places
To return us to work
To mending our medicines
A hope
Not a bandage
To cover
Or a scar hidden in shame
Some places much strong. 

They lied to keep us quiet
The grandma’s come to unstaple our tongues
The Grandpas
Give hard truths
Tell us breathe

You already know
That impossible reality
“Stop doubting”
Your deep knowing
You are not shame
You are not broken
Just need time in the mending basket.

Pehiw Wandering 2022
* Keaton Henson “The Pugilist” to Auntie W

Monday, October 23, 2023

On the lateness of groceries

Cohen never
brought those groceries in
orated them home,
brown/black backs,
bent to that burden.
Raw from fascists
haters of
stock shelves
"Rule of law"
organize fridge
bananas on table
"Rules-based international order"
Find tea
"Stolen children"
Can't write the rest.

NanaBjörn Sep 23

Let's set a date

Let's set a date
a time
to gather
to plan
to set alight
infrastructures of patriarchy

roof off parliament
watch them scurry
doors off banks
watch them worry
windows off businesses
watch them whine
pussies closed
emotional labour withdrawn
curfews for dangerous

this world
build on towers of dicks
jenga block games of greed
gonna get us dead

NanaBjorn Sep 2023

To Woody Guthrie and those who hold our songs

Shell shock?
Communist sympathies?
used to worry
no history
left to us.
But that day
we sang the old ones
"We shall overcome."
The fascists recorded
called us crazy
but we practiced
all our lives
for that moment.
For every ancestor
who asked hard questions
who fought for better,
We are poor vessels.
but we retell your stories,
we carry your fires,
"Who am I to question?"
I was born a questions.
When babies still stolen,
When queers were dangerous,
When kids were stupid.
Too stupid to stop,
I keep asking
keep practicing
can't forget the words
press tune to flesh,
"We shall..."

NanaBjörn Aug 23
To Joel who taught me songs

Tinder me well

Tinder me well
Robe me
velvet lies
decadent silks
self delusions
furs and feathers
capitalist contradictions
like morning cappuccinos
consumed daily.
skin inked
every shame.
like courtesans of old,
heart canopic jar,
pearlescent treasure

No Matter -
as long as it burns.
Gather the children
To bear witness,
To introduce torch
to tinder.
Futures only they can see.

NanaBjörn Oct 23

Bodies tattooed by capitalism

to do list
ordered anxiety
fuck em!

I've lost the ordinal
Floating with mediocracy,
Carnal Chaos
Can't fit
Too young/old
Too hot/cold
Fuck em!

To do?
Or not to do?
Bring Goya to bed?
Fanaticise a threesome
Men who dissect
but never see.
Picasso rearranges,
Dali melts,
Augustine shames.
Fuck em!

Bring Lorde to table,
A Council of Wise
Bodies tattooed by capitalism
Hearts forged in Community
Breath rooted in survive

NanaBjörn Oct 23

Thursday, October 12, 2023

To the ties that I cut

"Here's to the ties that I've cut"*
here's to the lives possible
closed perhaps?

I want our parting
dark shadows
clever repartee

let house lights
show stark
the divvying of accounts
which memories
you guardian
to place behind glass
museum of goodbyes
ours needs a place

Such a goodbye
they invented
new ways for time
new songs
to tell of healing

NanaBjorn Sep 2023

*Keaton Henson - Epilogue - Track one

Monday, August 7, 2023

Like the Great Fires

Tinder me well
Ready to burn
But I want
Like the Great Fires
Let me burn London
Hovel to hut
To the gates
Melt iron
To palace door
Selling histories

Buy or burn?
Marie Kondo
Let flames free –
Tax havens?
Don’t bring joy!
Worker exploitation?
Don’t bring joy!
Colonial hangover?
Don’t bring joy!

Let them go
Together burn
Till we see ancient path
To stone
To belong

NanaBjörn Aug 2023

Without me

Without me*
I might be more Moses
Than Captain
Leading a charge
Taking us over border
Into tommorrows
I accepted
Might be yesterday’s man.

Sketch battle plans
In tangled arteries
Bones bent
By institutional indifference
Can’t find ink?
Draw down ichor
Scrawl message
“fairest in the land?”

Carnival mirror
Scatters to chaos
Decomposes to promises
To fiber
To skin
To sheep

It is undone time
Fallow fields
Reclaim bodies
To nurture possibilities

NanaBjörn Aug 2023

*Inspired by “Well you Can Do it Without Me” by Father John Misty on “Fear Fun” 2012

**WW1 soldiers showing up at hospitals without physical wounds were sometimes called the “unblooded”

Half my life place

Last place
Half my life place
Score first place?
So racist
It made the news

Used to own us
Used to steal us
Used to kill us
They never forgot
The thrill of control
Over brown bodies

By men
Succored on stories
Of magnificent conquest
Rescuing “SAVAGES”
To fit in boxes of economy

Still haten
The messy reality

We know our ghosts
Absorb their stories
Watch through borrowed eyes

Last place
Half my life place
Secret Circle
Sisters and brothers
Leaders and Seers

“some progress”

That is you dear friend
A seed of hope
In lost places.

NanaBjörn Aug 2023

Thursday, August 3, 2023

Raised a spider

Almost had it
Sick bastard
Don’t want it?
It changed?
I changed

They play a game
So controlled
Mother approved
No move unconsidered
Yeses transmuted
Nos softened
Salvation guaranteed

My harm
You weigh
My sorrow
You measure
My real
You doubt

But mother
While cruel
Raised spider
Seer of threads
Desperately taut/taught
Tongue torn truths
Show us futures

NanaBjörn Aug 2023

Do you?

Do you rage
Watching dishes
Sweeping floors
Keeping quiet
While you see it?

Do you rage
Pussy grabbers
Bitch callers
Mother bares
While you live it?

Do you rage
Eating your body
Tasting your mind
Feasting your pains
While you hurt?


"Where are you


Your time has come

Tinder real dry

“Strike –
Your army awaits”

NanaBjörn Aug 2023

Sulfer shame

Strike the match
Sulfur shame
Or policy?

I read your poem
You see it too

The terrible passions
We leash
Beneath dark suiting.

Was I bought
So cheaply?
Illusions of hope
Cruel optimisms
That flay

Each night
Skin turned hard
Cell by cell
To monster

Service standards
Petty powers
Tattered garments
Tinder lite/light

NanaBjörn Aug 2023

Tuesday, July 4, 2023

Cause you showed me better

Cause you showed me better
I can’t allow…
Hands shake
Heart thunders
Historic hurt
Pins limbs
I have rewoven woice
Just as you said!
But not how you forsaw?
Path taken.

“I’m a grave digger”*
Maybe walk with Wiitiigo
Or some of those
“half white, half Indian, half devil” people
So I told my truth
Cause you showed me better.

NanaBjörn Wandering 2022

*Grave Digger – Snotty Nose Rez Kids

In tongues, not yet invented

Feed them new names
Enrich each cereal
With ideas
Of philosopher futures
Prize inside!
DNA effervescence
Potions of possibility
Medicines of life
Wrap them in red
Future and past
We witness for you
We (un)learn for you
We fight for you
Word by word
Fail by fail
Each messy
“I survived last night”
A bravery
Needs name new
In tongues, not yet invented

NanaBjörn Preparing 2022

old gods

Old gods
Blood gods
Those ones
You still eat turkey for
window alter
But blood is blood
A “to do” of minor horrors

Old gods
Drag gods
New names
New faces
As the game demands
Not bound to gender
Not bound to time
Old gods
No miracles with loaves
Only hungry eyes
Flesh asunder
“No one to follow-
No one to teach.”*

NanaBjörn Preparing 2022

*Leonard Cohen “The Goal”

Self loathing is my exercise

Self loathing is my exercise
I can bench…
Not to brag
But thems big numbers
Round to the nearest…
Accountants beware

This shit
Got numbers
Or unfortunate

But I don’t get more stronger
Just tired
Other muscles atrophy
To streach muscles?
To learn new ways?

Pehiw W2022

earth upturned

I see earth upturned
A garden?
A grave?
A future?
A past?
You know!

This is your story

No shame

This half formed do-it-wrong-sometimes you
It is a gift thing
A tender
Spider woven story
In transformation

Pehiw W2022

You are more than lies

Twisted Metal
YOU knew
You saw this
Crucible moment
Gave me music
Love teachings
All the arms

So dark that night
I survived
Recast a new thing
I will choose
To become
To serve
To heal
To be here
To bear witness
To share teachings
To voice truth
To hope

You are more than lies
Broken #?@&
You are medicine
Are all
Hold all
Survive all

Pehiw W 2022

Monday, June 12, 2023

New letters

We gotta make
some new letters
got some truths
need saying
but 24?

Who you joking?

Get your shovel
Time to raise up
Those turns of tongue
That made space
For all
Those that turned
One into community
Shame into healing

Find yours
Then we play
A rap
A beat
Tongue turned gymnast
A symphony written to be played by all

Pehiw W2022

Friday, June 9, 2023

"Old conventions like the horse before the cart"

“Old conventions like the horse before the cart”*
Like negotiation before the battle
Like the meek shall inherit

No compromise
No erasure
No lies

Reclaim your body
Let your Uterus wander**

Over to parliament
Down to the taverns
In the sky
Up above,

Let it “terrorize”
While we mother this economy
Send business to bed
No dinner
No dessert.

Then all who are left
Load ancestor plate!

Take measure of abundance
And debate new words
Needed for better futures.

NanaBjörn Preparing 2022
*Leonard Cohen
**If you have one, otherwise send what you want

Wednesday, June 7, 2023

Meditations on shame

I thought you knew
-time to let the bad in-
Scarred hands
Open latch


Exhale shame

Then the word

Then the very concept

That is the chains of church men

Put down that flog


There are infinite versions worse
Same as there are better

Exhale envy

That better you
Let them lend strength
That worse you
Lend them yours

Give them hope

There is a time and place
When horror
Is not an all

A time to play with letters
A time to mix the colours
A time to swim in melody
A time to breathe

NanaBjörn Wandering 2022

No Room!

No Room!

At heart
At Inn
At table

No Room!

Lie down
Smell dirt
Gingers hear
Mossy truths
Spiky stories
Granite libraries

No Room!

Exit strong?
Eshew walls?

Oceans got room
Sky got space
Dirt got depth

Take your room

Make it yours

Pehiw W2022

Babies with new names for hard times

I ask the story
Knowing you lie
Like Cinderella
Stupid prince
This kingdom
Needs new carer

New words
New economies
New lies
Forged by communities
Around fires
Overseen by babies
With new names
For hard times
It was never right
You helped create this world
You don’t bother this lie
You can’t see the harm,
You fed hungry

A Wiitiigo
This hunger never ends
You got us used to feeding greed
Cinderalla’s Insta-party pics-
Shoe ads
Perfect wedding
Then what?

Then what?
Face blind moron.
Enlightened godessmothers
Raised on Greer and Marx
Intersectional warriors
At the last ball
Midwives of death

Last dance –
This lie too thread worn,
Midnight will come
And we will face it’s truth.

NanaBjörn Preparing 2022

The kids don’t mind

The kids don’t mind
Don’t expect more.
Didn’t grasp
As we watched walls
The lies of progress
The fantasies of civility
The shadows we loved

[The day shows the stage
The illusion is broken]

Artery to everything
Lost to hate scare men
Money greedy
Lonely makers

NB Preparing 2022

Taught ma kid bout the interest rates

Taught ma kid
Bout the interest rates
Of men in suits
Playing games of chance
Trying on futures
- Yours and mine -
For bigger house
Thinner wives
Who play the curve*
Like a slip and slide
Who juggles balance books
An intricate
Even as fire
Consumes the stage
Audience chokes
No applause-
Too audacious
Performance art
it leaves us gasping.
Taught my kid
Is not causation
Bout folks playing
Peer review
A trip tease
With no ending
Fake or real
All is artifice
Keep the lights low
Don’t want black and white
Ready for a rainbow
Encrusted in place
In communities of care
And the land beneath your feet.

NanaBjörn Preparing 2022
*Phillips curve

Thursday, June 1, 2023

Strange geometries

Cat lets me
Writing desk
In return for soft touches

She don’t give a damn
Picket fence bourgeois values
Clever a/i(lussions)
Ivory tower cred

She bears witness
To the afternoon jewels
Dads with babies
Suspiciously unworshipful canines
Forgetful fellows
Ever happy for the daily updates

I got no “community” to return to
But I got the tools to make new ones
Tattooed with plans
By old ones
Like a puzzle

We gotta get together
Before we can see the image
Forget raising barns
Its time to raise people


Cause all those strange geometries
That make you
Have a counterpart
And a wholeness

Pehiw 2022

The sunrises of we

This reclaiming

Is not

About what

I put on my body

Except the medicines
Feathers in hands

We work circle
Don’t be fooled

Our warriors
Walk many paths
Don many vestments

So let’s be kind

My becoming
Part bureaucrat
Service of the civil
Part gangster

Comes in many hues
To add to the sunrises of we.

Pehiw 2022

Thursday, May 4, 2023


Tattoo a lie
Skin marked
Stories live

New story

I gave paskomosis* wings
Story needs hope

I gave paskmosis pupil
Story needs soul

I give paskomosis shadow
Hope to leads a line of betrayal

A still motion story
Stitched in raw wounded skin

Pehiw 2022
*Buffalo in Cree

Existential excoriation

Existential excoriation
Aint got plans like Icarus
Hubris keeps me low
Shadows in our blood.

“Used to want to be important”*
But I want better more
Lots of this scared me
Roots were dry
Not dead
Just dormant
Everything is awkward
Aint got the knack just yet
Just keep saying yes
Fill my ears

Etches destruction deep

But healed scar
Says hope
Nokimos** was here

Pehiw 2022

*Gang of Youths - Unison
**Grandmother/Elder in Anishnabek

Tuesday, May 2, 2023

New names

What can I call you
Hard men
With soft centers?
Your command
Over anger
Fascinates me
You truths
Part mine

10,000 hours
I thought
I wrote
I prepared

“Make the money-don’t let the money make you – change the game-don’t let the game change you.”*
“All my people stay true.”

All those grey spaces
You filled me
Each Briefing Note
A rhythm, rap
Fueled by an anger
Too new to name

This morning
Your name appears


A little bit Nanabush
A little bit bear
A little bit Nana
Who taught me letters
A little bit Métis
Who taught me angry
Braided with wisdom
And knowledge
Can be embraced and not destroy

Pehiw W2022
*From “Make the Money” Mackelmore/Ryan Lewis Album “Heist” 2012

Thursday, April 27, 2023

On writing letters to the mothers of dead sons

In those days
It was all bad dreams
And unrequited clarinet
Imprudent concoctions
Suggesting a commitment to forgetting
More rabid than hope

“Had we but a garret
We could set to rights!”
Potemkin women
Dostoyevsky fellows
Part of me buried
With each son extinguished

That violinist
Owed Paris lights
Accolades and acolytes
Death – ever ecstasy-
Ever alone
Transforms mud to meadow
Cannon fodder to choir

Plan on forgetting
In the streets
And in the sheets.
What was that line?
“There was three of us this morning, I am the only one this evening”*

And B-A-N-A-L
I covet the dead men’s jam.

Do you know that I’d make you another moon,
If you’d promise me music?
“Play it again Sam”
My tears can salt my glass
The devil’s got the tab
Don’t need no mirror
To tally sins –
Paper tell truths
Too many names to remember
Too many to forget.

NanaBjörn Wandering 2022

*Leonard Cohen “The Partisan” Songs from a Room

Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Dirge for an Imaginary friend

Imaginary friend
Must know self defense
Mine don’t last long
Serial murder
Never me
But I know who destroys
A breakfast titillation
Forgot by noon
I remember
How many years gone?
Constitution from new to gay marriage
To Daniels
To now?

Sent away for Free Trade Plan
Cause government a real
Not killable
To teach a lesson

Imaginary friend
Unkillable by monsters or politicians

Pehiw W2022

They say...

They say
You were a wicked strategist
I feel you close
When I listen
When it is time to navigate
You whisper
Nudge me to reach out
Remind me that together we have all we need.

Pehiw 2022

Beautiful bullshit

Beautiful bullshit
Ladies of economics
So proud
To tell your stories
Reap your harvests
Plant again
As you teach us
Some beautiful bullshit
Shatter the line
Make a star map
To home
To growth and rest
Your write don’t make me a wrong
We each have a path
“ a possibility”

Pehiw – Wandering 2022

A Dostoyevsky of ideas

I wanna write
Something new
All the bests
Of all the worlds
A Dostoyevsky of ideas
Like family
All the teachers
Their names in no database
But we are their bibliographies of blood
They the roots that sustain
Who find deep waters
We don’t need new
Or best
Just well loved favorites
And comforts/challenges
To court us
Seduce us
To make us laugh
Too teach us truths
I wanna write
A remembrance
A voice
From a time
Before lines
or letters
or literatures

Pehiw – Wandering 2022

Thursday, April 6, 2023

Policy 101: Syllabus for Abundance

I always knew
There was no page
Big enough
To sate me
When in full hunger

Shoes off
Bandolier on
(to carry 

The markers
Colors bound to floor
For when the ancestors visit
We need our best
-they aren’t picky –
But protocol needs

Not enough walls
I must remember
To share these times/frenzies
The very land a most skilled
Holder of knowing

There I abundance
Unfettered by pages
Too weak for their job
Too limited in hue
Too weak
Too soaked in blood

To hold new
Just born thing.

Pehiw 2022

Much depends On the math you prefer

Leave me be
What truths remain
To play
On pages?

I have filled every space
Stretch across
Once untouched domains

The ink runs low,
But there is so much to say

My voice wants to practice
Once a small
Shattered thing
When did you grow so large?

How did we travel
From rooftop*
To Elders
To bears
To all?

How do we become?
Half In-di-an
Half white
Half devil
An abomination?

Much depends
On the math you prefer
That of men
That of soil.

Pehiw – Wandering 2022

Monday, February 13, 2023

A bucketful of Thursdays

A bucketful of Thursdays
The crow
Pedantic ever
Quote a bit of Poe
-touché eh?-
I nodded as expected
Smell the salt in air
The future is our oyster
-staw hat-
Sinister shadow
The barker’s call harsh
Sharp seagull symphony
Underscores drama
Summer love must end
Dusty toes
Must gently cleanse
To curse the foot with shoe

Pehiw W2022

Gentrified savage

Gentrified savage*
Hunt ma cedar
In rental hedges
Avoid nuns
(got a fascist overrun)
Colonial structures
Why you gotta be ‘like that’

Ded queen birthday
You really don’t know me
Not cause I secret me
Maybe cause
You don’t like that shadow
Or that you cannot see
Your own eyes
When you never tried to see

Gotta leave that closet
The door only fabric
To whisper past
Monster of illusion
To enter the garden of wonders

*A “Yard Acts” lyric

Doorways full of Frieda Kahlo’s

Extravagant waterfalls
Doorways full of Frieda Kahlo’s
Swiss clock logic
“they put what?where?”
Arrange your story
Make sense
Tongue reads room
Ears insist
Banquet is down
The brawls begin.

Maybe sexy unicorn lady change mood?

“If I drink from your skull
We’ll know what way
This has all gone.”

I swing close
Then far
The poor girl – she’s lost all her ribbons
Gone bare
Even in winter
No fair going fellow
Gifts silk to hide shame
She don’t give a fuck
She’s got doorways full.

Nanabush P2022

Friday, February 10, 2023

Shed skin and shame

I saw a fox
I saw that profile
The speed
Cross concrete
Predators to flee?
A meal for hungry young?
“I must at desk by 7
But till then I’m game.”

Fox slows and I hasten
Shed skin and shame
We will run
Until moon begins her symphony

Night plants
Unroot to dance
Petals perform
Interlocking stories
Mathematical ecstasy
This must be how
They told stories
Can’t meet
Eye to eye {respect}

I married Hydrangea
In broken dawn

I alice in wonderland work
New made words
Cause tongue
Aint meant to say
Every story
Not all love
Needs a lot of words

Pehiw W2022

Soul soil stories

We favorite some
Short hand
To success
Who judges your day?
I gotta be…
But then
That story motivates
Even if that language
So pale
So refined
A sugar
That chases high
Only one way
Only one minute
But your soul soil stories*
Written by 8,000 fingers
Ever in motion
Invented new dimensions
These are your birthright
These are the line of teachers
These stories
Connection to all

Pehiw W 2022

*Those deep stories like "A Korean Odyssey"

Thursday, February 9, 2023

Métis Fear 249

Métis Fear 249: The economic crisis has led sîsîp
(ᓰᓰᑊ duck) 
trying out some new accessories.

Making Degenerate Art

MacBerger 2018

Should not: exist Part 2

Cause birthdays
always suck
cause "christmas"
even away from harm
build your own treasured days
stand with rainbows
embody devils
revive pagan revelries
choose a date
of significant becoming 
Grab a kind soul
dance until sunset
you are monument
to survive

Pehiw W2022

Each day we make history when we wake again.

I tried to tell you
We survive
We walk your streets
No zombie realness
Just medicines
And peoples.

Take your games
Your harms
Your places

That path offers no revelations.

Tonight don’t go alone!

Light you medicines
Set the table
Fill a plate
The best
The first
The sacred
Honor one
Honor all
Those passed over
Those awaiting their return
The infinite in tiny eyes
Say their names
Tell their stories
Capitalism a fad pitched by pastors
To destroy our circles
To make us “I”

Let’s reject their pronouns
Sit with Elders

Refresh our souls
Thank them
For keeping “we” alive
Remember our artists
Our fallen
Each day
We make history when we wake again.

Pehiw – Wandering 2022

Bear Medicine: a strategy of hope

I searched strategy
Offered Semah
Expected community
Like to like
A moment shared
As journeys intersect
I felt pupil
Ever as stooooooooopid
As school engraved
I felt scarcity
Ever a consumer
Or worthless
I felt separate
Ever alone
Not perfect
I felt fear
Ever broken

I searched strategy
[lost sight of Bear]
Bush thick
But after days
Found roots
Bear medicines

I remembered
How we try

I remembered
How we support
Build and trust

I remembered ALL
How we grow
With every person
Every story matters

I remembered seed
We plan
We water
We matter
When others harvest
No I lost in we

I remembered
We ceremony
Different medicines
Circle directions
Many lands
But one in respect

I remembered abundance*
Joyful struggle
Safer places
Gardens to architect
Teachings to come

Elder teachings**
If it feels good
Bares healthy fruit
Grow it
Time will refine
Enter the garden of Bear

Work in abundance
Heal in abundance
Feast in abundance
A strategy of hope***

Pehiw – Wandering 2022
*with humble thanks to P and M and K for their thinking on this

Tuesday, February 7, 2023

The speed of trust

The speed of trust
Just words
Just weather
I can witness
But you are a one
Who is an all
Old school
Or Keynesian ideas
You are a multiplier
A new-old math
Gotta remember
Gotta breathe
Me is a variable
But you+you+you
Well that’s exactly what this place needs

Pehiw W2022 
*To G

Monday, February 6, 2023

Better man

Those words
They got mean letters
I got scars
Hot metal
Burns flesh
“there’s a story there”
Under pain
Power suit
Eyes down
I sees your soles*/souls
It was that boardroom
Where I learnt
Another use for body
Another math to weave
You taught me
To be a better man

Pehiw W2022

*To Bill my Chief at the Department of Finance

Let’s bury “enough”

Métis enough?
Pass muster
Red River

Métis enough?
No community
No fiddles
No stories
No lands

Métis enough?
Never labelled
Time on land
Water beast
Ancestors hope

Métis enough?
A kaleidoscope of teachings
My territory
River to parliament
Bureaucracy to home

Métis enough?
Tattoo a lie
Story by broken child
Force fed shame
Still afraid of braids

Métis enough?
Long afraid to claim*
No languages
No medicines
No skirts sewn by aunties

Métis enough?
When I quiet
When I brave
When I hope
I hear the ancestors
I quicken - their blood shows
I gather harvests of their hope
And I/We are enough
Let’s bury enough
To seed tomorrows of abundance

Pehiw – Wandering 2022
*Kim Anderson see 
"Life Stages and Native Women: Memory Teachings and Story Medicine"

One day They’ll drink from our bones

One day
They’ll drink from our bones
Singing songs
Not sold on phones
Some of those new ones
Forged in the hardest of times
We wrote with bloodied hands
Forged in the eyes
Of hard things done daily.
Maybe some lies
Like democracy
And future
Shouldn’t be stolen so easy
I never thought to neighbor
As police left us afraid
Night after night
Didn’t need to know
Three is the answer
To how many hate crimes
Too much for week
No managers handbook
For breaks in the soul
You left us
Servants of the civil
Left us as garbage
No sorry
No care
While ours
Stood by
Could not be trusted
Because the rot went too deep
In dysfunctional places that hurt
Degrees and degrees of harm
Can I be part of that?
Can I write those songs
Or is that rot too deep?
Another goodbye?
I am so tired –
When will this match be list?
New songs
Should be put before open flame.

NanaBjörn Preparing 2022

Friday, February 3, 2023

“Should not exist”: Part 1

Should not exist.
Then damned by sex.
Should not exist
Too much
Enraptured by logic
Should not exist.
Broken memory
Unable to forget
Should not exist
“Just move on”
"just smile”
Should not exist.
Platonic form adored
Reality - lock her up
Should not exist.
Real person
Not dolly
Take each “should not exist”
Give hard Paddington stare
Cause your exist
Is somebody else's hope
Is a space for future
is warrior
Should not exist.
Grew in cracks
Survived fires
Always riser
No matter
How harsh the blow
Currencies of shame
That bought you one more night
The parts of you
Made tough to survive
The self you don’t know
Too busy with battle
To make a home

Pehiw W2022

You remember

You remember
So close to spirit
When I said trust
Your eyes turned to mother
Measured still in months
You know this word
In every language
I make a promise
I will nurture good ones
Tell them all your plans
Then the grandmothers will gather
To speak of things to come
We’ll weave this all together
Send crow to let all know
To ready now for futures
We’ll build as we destroy
What once was flooring
Adorns our wrists and thighs
The very thing beneath us
With sun reveals the lies

Pehiw W2022

On the altar of being

I held a baby
Told him truths
Listened for his
I birthed
A number of new ways
To let each letter shine
I looked through books
To find the answer
I know and Elder told me
But I was not “productive”
Did not excite the markets
No fortunes won
Or lost
No coin joined us
Shared recognition
That abundance
Should be real
Productivity laid to rest
On the altar of being

Pehiw W2022

Thursday, February 2, 2023

Around you

It is done
I have made seen
That which is needed.
I have examined the hard
I have seen truths
A missing line
Gifted by kin
When I listened
Truth so clear
So simple.
Around you
I turned off
Around you
No room for me.
It is done.

Nanabush W2022

Shame that is not yours to carry

Almost a relief
To see the lies
Lost in misery
Long before me

The other loves were real
I say now
I know you tired
I accept all love

Each ice cream bar
I will eat for you

We will celebrate
Your birthday for 10 years
For everyone
Locked away

“All the ceremony I wasted”

Knowing not
Each dish

no shame!
we learn
see more

Each morn
I medicine
The smell
Embedded in cloth
Imbues each key stroke

I learn my new lands

What will I become?

It will be good!

So ceremony
That shame is not yours to carry

Pehiw W 2022


They drugged us from the start
I bought it full
The heady expectation
We 3 entered
Hallowed halls
An Indian in a Cabinet

- I jest –

We sat behind
The Minister
Of the Affairs of Indians
He offers candy
That we are not supposed to eat
A gesture full of kindness?
A trap?
A joke?
A lie?

I take one piece
But he exhorts us
“Take at least one more”

I sit behind the man I come to support
I have the “Indian file”
They give it to us kids
We too fooled to see it
A half millennia of loss
Much to fit on one tight page

You taught me how to write
Like each word cost us money
Buy no more than you need.
History heavy body*
Your “first”
made space for others

Some I met
Who told their stories
I carry in my bundle
“conspiracy” they cried

Too many Jews
To look at fishes
Too gay
Too Black
Too “other”**

Don’t forget these roots
These battles
And our fallen.

To you Mr Moses
The first P O L I C Y
I thank your son
Who tells your stories
Those paths
You showed the way

To all you women, other, servants to the civil
Your minds
Your truth
We carry you
Return you
To the hallowed halls of men
To the endless hope we carry
Our DNA will tell
We water seeds
And plants and forests
We harvest
What was sown
By those who came before
The very job I hold
-why I never noticed?-
The same!

I found your Photos
The internet my savior
You worked
To build economies
With people
And cooperatives of fish
Machines to ease the load
Roads to build
I see our programs
New words
The hope the same.

Did you feel shame
To get your ticket****
A beggar to the state
Let that go
The work too important
To tell our truths
Though no one listened
Not then
But later on.
I took the day
I needed witness
The watering of your seeds

A century almost gone.
So I could sit that day
Another minister
Another court tell you
We is real peoples
You don’t listen
When our Leaders refuse to give up
Who refuse to forget
Who refuse to gentle

Still here!
Don’t know where I fit
But this ballroom feels right
I greet
The sons
Of the men
Who planned for today
The men
Who taught
Children to read
The women who guarded children
The Elders who cherished our ways

What next?

At the table
That poisoned our kids
That oversaw our harm
The corpse I live off?
That’s not table for the future

Grab bundle
Bring hoodie
Let’s feast
Leave table behind
And invent new ways to nourish.

Pehiw Wandering 2022

*Herb Grey was the first MP of the Jewish faith. 
** For all the other others who lived their truths when the costs were high. 
Thank you to Joe who shared his experiences as an analyst in the 1960s civil service. 
*** Expulsion of married women, gay purges
**** Jim Brady who had to ask for train fair to attend the Half Breed Commission

A “we” they taught us to forget

I am
Tied to sky stuff
An orgy
Of music
A well pat cat
Hardly lift head

Is this the opposite of fear?
Of Eichmann?
Of alone?

-I forget-
A rot I got at church
But not s#@$e right?

Back to the circle builders
Raising impossible stones

Not aliens
But a “we”
They taught us to forget

Pehiw – Wandering 2022

Thursday, January 26, 2023


“only the good die young”
Got me worried
Fine line
How much wicked
Keep me here?
Refining equations
Don’t want no spurious correlations

Pehiw 2022

The Truth that is you

“But a truth that don’t change is a truth to befriend” Boy and Bear

How to let go?
Old truths
Need burying
How we gonna do it?
Seems like everything concrete

We forget
Where to gather
When to put down medicines
How to give
The interplay of respect
Trusts rooted in soil
Ceremony in a casserole dish
As we set out extra plate
Care for a neighbor
Share a burden
Hold a truth

That don’t change
Let it entrance you
Let it wind through your blood
Let it patch your wounds
Till new flesh grows,
You know
Stronger even as the aches
Befriending that truth
That held you firm
In the darkest time
That truth that is you

Pehiw – Wandering 2022

Friday, January 13, 2023

The sea is not always blue where the strong women live

Battle and birth
The sea is not always blue where the strong women live

Sometimes red blood

Battle and birth

Entwined in ceremony

All emptied out

Sometimes black


Chest heavy hurts

Grow veins

To new organs

Kitchen Wisdom

Sometimes purple

Kitchen wisdom

Hope nurtured

Sinuous emergence

Roots to possibilities

“strength” is a multi-faceted gem

Of tears

Of giving up

Of bone deep tired

Of grandmothers, mothers and aunties

Of care

Of renewal

Of struggle

Of surviving one more night

Sinking deep into being enough.

--Nanabjorn (Preparing 2022)