Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Spaces between our fingers

I want to write
a DPR#%&*
like them men
who sang with the Ancestors**
a ballad
of burecratic bullshit
discordant dystopias
numbers of fish
dead students
hate crimes
economic crimes
strategic plans
forests of despair/disappear
cabinet room
locked in bedroom
need to make room

I can measure everything!
until it sings to me
count the caribou
enumerate machines
tally bones.

must toil
to redeem.....
but how to weave
when looms destroyed
and only hands remain?
hunters of impossible futures
taught only S E L F
we must practice harmonies
hidden in the spaces between our fingers.

Akihcikewin Maskwa (Data Bear) Preparing 2024

*Departmental Results Reports - I have written content for many of these reports and there are historical versions written with input of my Ancestors and about my Ancestors. 
**Jeremy Dutcher an Wolastoqiyik (Maliseet) member of the Tobique First Nation in North-West New Brunswick, released Wolastoqiyik Lintuwakonawa in 2018. This album is a dialogue with the Ancestors.
Aysanabee is an Oji-Creewhose debut album Watin was named for his grandfather and features several recordings with him on the album.

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