Wednesday, June 26, 2024

A song of becoming : A dance with Transit of Empire 2

Never gonna
more better
page 195*
Those words
a bag
of petals.
Paid in beauty?
(We are making medicines)
Training vines
to grow together
for feasts
yet to come.

You are precision.
Me -
Petal Dancer.
[But nevermind]

What songs accompany your days?*
We shall find a harmony
a song of circle
a song of harvest
a song of becoming,
shared in the lessons of leaves,
and roots.

Pehiw Wandering 2024

 *Jodi A. Byrd "The Transit of Empire: Indigenous Critiques of Colonialism
 pg 225"

You ded yet? : A dance with Transit of Empire 1

Sunday morning
You ded yet?
hate the game
hate the players
hate the board/bored.
Sharpened my strategy,
took advice,
Wind counselled,
follow the fractures,
gently push
Ancestors deep,
gotta listen
They built the camps
right on our bodies!
Economies of poison,
rivers of deceit,
Dams fracture
Zombie Imperialism*
got me feeling
homer sacer
"Play it again Sam."
Can't bare to remember
Can't ever forget
- Thought it was normal - 
Black and white
Ballets with shame
Locked up.
In between
Can't do more days
Gotta stop forgetting
Tattered tongued
I spoke my truth
Bags of petals
porch visits
in wounds
long left gaping
butterfly gentle
Willow seed
Snow in June
Spring gangster
digging toes
living a broken
birthed a shadow sibling
soil sisters
drum beat truths
- it don't matter - 
dead or alive
be thy bedclothes
you will it so/sew.
I have grieved long
your grave
will have no tears
for I am too far
to return
to lands
long ago flooded
with silent tears.

Pehiw Wandering 2024

 *Jodi A. Byrd "The Transit of Empire: Indigenous Critiques of Colonialism
 pg 225"

From gates to keepers

Métis stuff?
Is my blood red?
We got to self harm
to check that truth?
We all mixed up.
It was always so.
Old Ones
Taught better,
Helped us learn,
Build us up, 
Brought together.

What culture?
Is my blood red?
We got to hold heart
to check that truth?
We all scar(r)ed,
Infected dollars,
Rounds for everyone,
- whether you want -
Many hands raise your glass.
Brought together.

Bear Story?
Is my blood red?
We got to monitor monthly
to check that truth?
We all living,
what else to do,
Till visions,
garden to garden,
soil to worm,
from gates to keepers.

Pehiw Preparing 24

Economies of Butterflies

Mother Bear
from first principals
reborn from ink
floated to safety
tears raised me up
an always thing

little and BIGS
one week.
Traded butterflies
for stories.
Rose petals
a bit of hope.
Saw truths spoke

"We were giving,
that's how
we kept
what we gave away."*

Pehiw Preparing 24

To D my little neighbor and A a bigger neighbor.
*Neil Young "Comes at a Time"

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Dear Joe

Dear Joe*
been learning
old wars
new harms.
genocide again?
I been / to some.
"Well now / you know"
old wisdoms
new ears
old mirrors
new stories
given ladders
- shrug -
locked up?
Lived it. 
Another Joe,
was first
Perhaps fortold
these days?
sky orator
until voices
spread thighs
over roofs
ashed skin

Closer to home.
Plague came
other horsemen
(don't waltz)
- gasp _
"we forgot"
seashells whisper
Eyes fail
cave delights
consumed us.
gangsta granny
That corner?
fill pockets
so(w) seeds
be ready.

Pehiw Preparing 24
*To all the Joes I have known
** To Rita of Guigues Street who showed us how to hold our spaces.

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Can't go home no more

Went home.
Weren't ma mountains 
The ocean
welcomed visitor,
gifted treasures
I fly to kin.
Here/hear teacher.
A shell
that whispered 
time for your hand.

Sand that cried,
"Thank fuck"
for loves 
that can be
more than
"They never hit me."

I tried to hug you.
Learned how.
But your body
only sees threat.
Made a 
Žižek joke.


So much sad
and bones

Saw 10 crows
on dead tree
30 feet high
kin around
felt Matriarchy
in misty waterways
paddles while children slumbered
All your hope!
All your love!

of hues
only little ones see.
to Grandfather's cloth
once stretched 
cross backs
carrying the burdens
they invented the blues for.

desperate in-hale
wave returns.

Can't go home no more
But been building new gardens
sharing seeds
celebrating better loves.

Pehiw Preparing 24

Desk Killers

 How do you write about books that dance in your mind? Books that make your stomach turn? Truths you could have known – except we are trained not to see it – not to ask THOSE questions. I confess. I am a Desk Killer! I hoped to warrior with honor, weapons of logic, data, systems – I learned them all. Learned the rules. Learned they are lies. Learned the lies (oh the hubris!) Learned words I stamped in skin – STRUGGLE or else what? Let the chaos take us? Dying fast or slow? Either way gets the job done. The numbers don’t Lie! Which kills show on my tally sheet? No scalps in honor. I count no coup. Witigo – a shrapnel – from Shakespeare to wounds that don’t heal…. Can’t even use a lighter….CLICK – trench reflex. Must hide flame.

I was born to this war. I stamped words in skin. “The cake is a lie.”

Didn’t mean what I thought it did. Wasn’t said by the “person” I thought. But that’s my life story. And the words aren’t false.

We fight over a bigger pieces of the pie* and forget to ask if we want pie or if we could make something that could feed everyone around the table. So…I also got hope etched, words of Matriarchs and stories from times before/to come. Colors applied to disguise, to signal what we already knew – unblooded – so I need the needles and sacred black from fires merged with my skin. We are their stories. We cannot forget.

Data Bear (Mama Bear Energies) Preparing 24

*This is a teaching from Winnona LaDuke (Dakota) who is also an economist.

Monday, June 3, 2024

Dancing with "The Transit of Empire"

Reading a book*.
like fine jazz
you win me over
who is grievable?**
who is overwritten?
Who is timeless - 
held binary?
Who is sacrificed -
to lines and shames?
Who wears
what scars?
What songs
Reading a book
feels like coming home.
"homer sacer"***
sings so sweet
deep tones
tells how
rigid bodies
unable to flex
not like melodies
relived by many
sung in memory
of each circle
that was
and shall be.

Pehiw Preparing 24
* "The transit of Empire" by Jodi A Byrd (Chickasaw)
** Judith Butler "Precarious Life: The Powers of Mourning and Violence"
***Giorgio Agamben  "Homo Sacer: Sovereign Power and Bare Life"

What you gonna do?

What you gonna do
when they come for your liver?
Sure better hope
you got arrows in your quiver.
What you gonna do
when they come for your pen?
Did it once
might do it again.
What you gonna do
when they come for your soul?
Give a little bit
or keep it whole?
What you gonna do
when they come for your time?
Take that money
see how far allowed to climb?
What you gonna go
when they come for your sleep?
gonna say quiet
or stand and speak?

Akihcikewin Maskwa (Data Bear) Preparing 2024
Dedicated to cousins and Aunties who speak their truths