In an attempt to be really boring, I usually stop watching videos and read. The other night I was on Buzz Feed. I read the front page and open all the articles that look interesting before reading through them. This usually results in a collage of "cute kittens wearing hats", "DIY - make your cat a great hat", "Cool pictures of XX", "kittens making grumping comments about the world" excetera. I know Buzz Feed is probably not good for me. I can read the latest headlines about the world and feel like I am keeping up, but not waste any valuable kitten analysis time.
While I did stop myself from getting into a discussion on colonialization, the gaze of the other and the commoditization of poverty - those are really a being awake kind of conversation - I was pretty proud of my girl for raising a really good point. I had been consuming those pictures with no different a lens than I had for the kitten article before. I had not sat back to think about the greater context of those pictures or to question whos lens we were seeing these pictures through. How would I have reacted if these were First Nations People in equivalent dress? Was it better that the photographer was non-white, that as the article said "he lived with them for a week"?
Not that I need to answer all those questions, but I like to think of myself as the kind of person that asks those questions and as a "good" parent it is tempting to want to do all the teaching and never make any mistakes, but as I thought about this some more, I was really proud of my daughter and glad to have another companion to push me to keep asking questions, even when I forget to.
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