Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Breaking News: Rocks are hard!

I have been thinking about rocks of late.  As I explore my relationships to the natural world through the Metis lens I am comfortable with animals and plants as brothers and sisters.  We live in the same seasons and our coexistance is clear.  We all feel the impact of winter and the growth of summer.  Our spans of life are understandable.  We feel pain and suffer death, but rocks....

I have thought on this a lot and the discomfort it brought me.  A european/christianized hang up related to the order of things with man on top?  A misguided love of felines?  A fear to "lower" myself to the level of a rock?  During this time of thinking we read an anthology of stories that included one where the uncared for boy, who is shunned in his village learns stories from the rock which allows him to find his place in the community.

Maybe this story influenced the answer I came to around rocks.  While the animals and plants align to my phsical life, the rocks align to my spirit life where the timelines are much longer and things have more permanance.  Rocks come and go and are broken down into new things, but a lot of that is on a scale I don't see, responding to forces that I can't influence.  Rock tools are one of the earliest human creations they find.  Rocks live out their lives at a whole different pace.

Rocks are the echos of those stories handed down from long ago, the blood memory, the tradition.  Parts of our live need to be dynamic and changing to what influences we encounter.  Like how do we adapt to being urban metis?  But some part of life are deeper and change can be slow - should be slow.  The stories the rocks tell us can be pretty important to listen to.

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