Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Ice Fishing in the Toilet

In December the dolls and animals like to play tricks.  Last night they went ice fishing in the toilet.  Runa was pretty put out with them.  Earlier this month they had a garage sale and tried to sell the other toys (very meta) and once they got stuck outside while coming back from a field trip.  It is great to see her reactions to things like that.  Sometimes they bring a little gift or candy and she thought she had figured out the algorithm and was quite please with herself so she got mad at me when I changed it.  Last night we were told to take Sophie into the hospital for a phyc consult after her Dr appointment, so that kind of overshadowed our plans for a calm evening.  I am hoping to find some of the calm tonight if I can in the midst of all these bad dollies.

Read "The Ultimate Betrayal: Claiming and Re-Claiming Cultural Identity" by Tamara Kulsic today.
The statistics she shares on the number of indigenous children taken into care, both historically and now is pretty disturbing. In particular, the large number of these placements that were far away from the original community would really make reclaiming identity even harder.  There is one sentence that is really uncomfortable, " In 1982 the Manitoba government imposed a moratorium on the export of Aboriginal children out of the province."  Placed in the terms of trade, the whole exercise of moving children around becomes quite gruesome.  This whole piece really reinforces the simple pleasure of just being with your child which was denied to so many indigenous people. 

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